Here we are, at the
extremely fast start of another new year, winter snow
glistening in the warm sun like glitter sprinkled all over the ground. The reflection of it keeps bringing my mind through the rotation of the seasons, the growth of so many things in the stillness of the earth in its frozen state.
It seems as though a few days ago we were climbing in and out of the creek bed back in the warm woods, watching the bright yellow, orange and red leaves dance to the ground. We found a lot of good treasures again this year, even into the winter. Pottery pieces, arrowheads, tools.. Makes me wonder if time seemed to swirl by just as fast when the ones before us were living in these woods, in this field where the lavender mounds now stand.
The winter has been kind to our lavender babies this year so far. Although the first field will be
reaching its fourth year in the ground, just like the kids
they are still babies, which take love and attention to truly flourish in this life. The snow coating gives them a nice
insulation from the cold chill of the wind. We are keeping our intentions out that if ice has to make its presence this year that at least mother nature will make a nice coat of snow first.
definitely got behind in the fall keeping the weeds out of the holes in the field. We had more of them because of missing or damaged plants from the previous ice winters. It actually became very calming and peaceful to me when I gave into making the weeds less of a priority in life. Seeing the beauty of the wild weeds in lovely harmony with the lavender buds, painted a beautiful picture all by
As fast as this year has truly gone, I am amazed at how long ago and how different life was a year ago. The universe, god, has really decided that I needed to grow, and to learn, and I needed to do it fast. Lessons in life can be
extremely hard, they can be very trying, and they can change us as people. The question is, do we let them change us for the worse, or do we let them seep deep inside, and truly listen to the whispers they have for our souls, the lessons they have to teach, and the growth they can offer to build us into the person we are asked to become.
Listening, is a very different thing than thinking. I have thought myself into knots for much of my life.I was always trying to figure it all out, trying to have an answer to everything, when the
excitement of life is not always having the answers, just feeling and knowing you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in time. I was blessed over and over again this past year by amazing teachers, and guides for me to help keep my head in the right direction and to help keep my lessons from knocking me into a hole in the earth. I know that this past year was a major crossroad for so many people.. my hope is that they decided to follow their faith, their heart and their feelings down a path that brings only more light. If you have gone down one that does not feel this way, I know this new year has many chances of amazing growth, so do not forget to feel your direction and you can't go wrong.
This year is
definitely a new year. A lot of listening for both Mike and I has been knowing there are things we need to let go of in order to truly enjoy this precious life that was given to us. We still do not know for sure what exactly that means or what this new
existence has in store for our journey, but we are not meant to know all of
those answers right now.
This past year brought about our first half acre of produce, which I was ready to throw my white flag in after lettuce (first crop of our year), Many new lavender creations, our official
OEFFA organic certification, our first annual field day event (which was wonderful), so many new wonderful people in our
lives, and a lot of new trials for us to meet.
I do know my work with Reflexology is only the beginning of what I am meant to do for people, and I have an extreme passion and
excitement for being able to add any type of light and
comfort into peoples lives. I also know that growing involves letting go of things that no longer serve our
purpose, and this can be in so many forms. I am ready for this change, and truly excited about the journeys to come.
I miss my kids while they are at school a lot, and am happy for my hiking buddy, Moon (the big white dog) who is always there with wide loving eyes, and for my wonderful husband who has been in full swing using his mind creating websites for other people and making ours wonderful :) If you need a website, by the way, check out!
For now, while the repair business I run is in full swing, I make as many products as I can, talk to many people about their broken down fitness equipment, do a lot of paperwork, and watch the beautiful red-tailed hawk that now follows me around and lives in our woods at the farm. It's reassurance is always there flying above letting anyone who sees him know that you are on this journey in life to grow into your full potential. May your journey be wonderful!!